
More Spam, I say, MORE SPAM

While this blog has been dreadfully idle over the past many months, from time to time, Blogger has informed me (by changing the order in which blogs appear in my blog list) that Impulsive Highlighters has managed to receive an update. And I always rushed to this extremely long URL (I never really typed it in; just went to skaran.blogspot.com and clicked on the link) to check who posted; and all that only to find some useless spammer telling us how great this site is and how we should feel a natural inclination to visit its. Unfortunately for it, the bot/person/thing, we don't.

Since this is on its way to becoming a tale of sad notes, I'll give it some MORE SPEED by adding one other; and that I will do by informing you dear readers, first and foremost, the fact that you're a species headed towards extinction unless something happens similar to that in the cartoon-movie Atlantis (The Lost City), which I watched on the Hong Kong to Delhi flight (which is to say that we find that we all had some shiny, blue crystals all along and didn't realize that they had wicked-cool magical powers). Secondly, I'm shutting down this ambitious venture known as MXMUG, which was supposed to be a Mac User Group for people in India. Miserable failure while I was here in Delhi. And now that I'm in !Delhi, I feel that, as far as it being a MUG, it must be shut down because it's pointless. And everytime I receive an email for a person wanting membership (which actually does happen at least once a month mind you), I do really feel bad, but I do invariably trash it, because accepting members into an inactive (not even dormant, just plain inactive) MUG is useless. Nonetheless, I'll leave the website open for just an FAQ (Wiki-hopefully) section where people can write about Mac-centric problems with a slight tilt torwards Indian-centric problems.

On a third sad note, Cocoa Addiction (a blog venture by Rungta, Bloodyfist and me) has also fallen into Twilight and Shadow because we have stopped the honourable work on Cocoa and Objective-C. Personally, I've issued a book from the library, and although it is of the Mac OS X v.10.1 times, it still covers all the fundas of Cocoa+ObjC and I'm making some progress, though the book assumes an inordinate amount of genius and diligence in its reader, which is sad, because I like books along the lines of Princeton Reviews for SAT, which sort-of take your hand and guide you through the text. So, I might just be updating Cocoa Addiction sometime, but not any time soon. 

Comments (4) Posted on at  

  • » This blog finally got a much needed update. Sad to see such projects(MXMUG, Cocoa Addiction) become history.
  • » Well, they're becoming dead-ish though not completely dead...
    MXMUG lim --> Wiki
    Cocoa lim --> lessCocoa
  • » Could u please continue that blog and updating it...Because I need to learn cocoa and I am not able to find nice cocoa dev sites.
  • » Shall try my best Shyek!
